How to make a background picture not loop css
How to make a background picture not loop css

how to make a background picture not loop css

Recursion is what happens when you call a function or mixin from inside itself. This is the key step for our scrolling effect.

how to make a background picture not loop css

Giving background-attachment: fixed prevents them from scrolling with the content. Less doesn’t provide a loop syntax, but we can fake it with recursion. The background images are given the respective background properties to make them not repeatable, cover the background area and positioned at the center. See the Pen Stylus ForEach List by Miriam Suzanne ( on CodePen. In Stylus, the for syntax ( for item in list) handles collections: See the Pen Sass ForEach List by Miriam Suzanne ( on CodePen. In Sass, we’ll use the directive ( $item in $list) to get at the colors: Let’s start by looping through a simple list of colors, to see how it works. Because for-each loops are tied to a known collection of items, they tend to be the most concrete and understandable loops. Preprocessor loops are most useful when you have a collection (list or array) of items to loop over - like an array of social media icons and colors, or a list of state-modifiers ( success, warning, error, etc).

how to make a background picture not loop css

Sass provides unique syntax for all three, and Less doesn’t technically have looping syntax at all - but that won’t stop us! Let’s dive in. That’s probably why Stylus only provides syntax for the latter. I had trouble finding true while loops in the wild - most examples could have been handled better with for or for-each. But most of your use-cases will fall into the more specific categories. A for-each loop is just one type of for loop, which is one type of while loop. For-Each loops iterate through a collection or list, considering each item one-at-a-time.Įach type of loop is more narrowly focussed than the previous.For loops are incremental, running for a particular number of repetitions.

how to make a background picture not loop css

Be careful! This is where infinite loops are most likely.

  • While loops are generic, and will keep looping while any condition is met.
  • That’s why loops should always serve a limited purpose - usually defined by a number of incremental repetitions or a collection of objects. Follow this answer to receive notifications. a helpful tutorial to doing this is here. While that’s not a good way to vaporize evil robots, it will annoy anyone using your code. Also you should create a htaccess file/amend your htaccess file to include the following. If you’re not careful, infinite loops can slow down or crash your compiler. If you wanted, you could re-write Sass or Less inside PostCSS, but someone else beat you to it. PostCSS allows you to write and share your own preprocessor syntax. While it’s sometimes called a post-processor, I’d call it a meta-preprocessor. PostCSS is also popular, but it doesn’t provide any syntax of it’s own. Walkcycle with music loop by CSS-Tricks ( CodePen. Each language provides a unique syntax, but they all get the job done.

    How to make a background picture not loop css how to#

    We’ll take a look at what loops can do, and how to use them in the major CSS preprocessors: Sass, Less, and Stylus. No matter what acronym drives your selectors (BEM, OOCSS, SMACSS, ETC), loops can help keep your patterns more readable and maintainable, baking them directly into your code. While everyone is talking about pattern libraries and modular design, most of the focus has been on CSS selectors. Preprocessor loops will not cause dramatic explosions in space (I hope), but they are useful for writing DRY CSS. Feed your robot nemesis an infinite loop, and kaboom. How to make transparent background cssĢ.If you’ve ever watched old sci-fi flicks, you know how powerful loops can be. Прогноз на сегодня : How to make transparent background css.

    How to make a background picture not loop css