But the 12647-2:2013 printing standard also specifies new requirements for measurement technology, standard illumination and proof papers. The latest version 3 of this standard promises even better colour reproduction, especially on natural papers. The colour profiles relevant for print shops (PSO coated & uncoated) have been available in an updated version since 2015. ICC profiles are continuously developed further.
We will explain how to do this later in this article. Also, you have to embed the ICC profiles in your layout program.
However, ICC profiles are usually not installed on your computer by default so you have to do this manually. They are compatible with Windows, Mac OS and any other standard operating system.
The ICC profiles can be downloaded for free (more on this later). To achieve this, the International Color Consortium (ICC) develops colour profiles for different media. Colour profiles aim to create consistent and predictable colour results on different devices by accounting for the characteristics of paper types and printing techniques. The same print ink and artwork can look completely different depending on the paper stock.
When it comes to printing, paper types are challenging because of their different colouring and texture. This is why images look different on a monitor, poster or in a brochure. rich black – displaying black in InDesignĮach device has its own individual colour space that it can display.